Thursday, February 4, 2016


If there is one thing I have learned in my many years (okay, only 4.5) of parenting it is this: You can't teach ambition.

You can try and convince your kids of the benefits of being motivated and driven to do their best. Of how awesome it feels to work hard at something and accomplish it. Of how much less stressed life is when you finish what needs to be done before wasting time or even BEFORE it is required (gasp).

And you can't convince others to do things with excellence just because it feels good. And you can't punish them into it either. (Groan...)

But every once in a while, out of the blue (and probably because God is smiling down on you in that moment) a child decides, on their own, to reach for the stars and actually work towards meeting their goals.

This time it was Daniel. This morning he decided he needed to study. Not because he has a test coming or didn't understand something his teacher went over in class. But just because he wants to do better. His goal is straight As. He pulled out his workbook that I bought them for this past summer so he could work on whatever after he finished his homework. I talked to him about dividing his goal into smaller more attainable steps so he could feel accomplished and not get disappointed and quit if it was taking too long and he still didn't have straight As. I think he's good with that. Hopefully he can keep his attitude in a good place and his motivation up!

And even if this is short lived, I know that he can come back to this place if he chooses.  And when I'm frustrated, I want to remember this day. As proof that God can give ambition and motivation because I most certainly can't force it into them.

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