I am the first to admit that I do not like change. But I also know that many changes are beyond my control and fighting it very rarely changes the outcome. So I've learned that as much as I'd like to drag my feet, that only makes the transition process more painful and usually lengthens the grieving process (for what was and will no longer be).
So I try to rip off the bandaid when it comes to change. To immerse myself in all that is new and get to the new normal as quickly as possible.
And I hoped others would do the same.
But that would be too easy and I would miss the opportunity to show patience and gentleness, which apparently God thinks I need. :)
But in the midst of it all, I have found support in family and friends for which I am grateful. And strength from God to keep trodding forward through the mud.
It will get better. Of that I am sure.
And God will have his way. Like he always does.
And I will come out stronger than before.
It's just sad it has to be so difficult.
( That was the most vague yet specific post and I am sure there will never be another like it.)