Sunday, January 10, 2016

Morning Song

Good morning, God.
This is your day.
I am your child.
Show me your way.

Seth learned this song at Bible Study Fellowship. I don't know if its an old one or a new one, but it has become my go to morning song.

These 4 short lines not only make it easy to remember and super likely to get stuck in my head, but also a really good way to help me refocus on what's important.

Every day belongs to God and I need him to help me to live it to the fullest according to His plans and by His power.  I need to invite Him into my day and He will make it so much better than when I struggle to do it all on my own.

I can do all things because I belong to Him and He's got my back. No matter if I started my morning being impatient and frustrated or with a good attitude, I can always start over. I am His child and that makes me valuable.

God's way is better than mine and I need to choose it. God will guide me and show me if I will get my focus off of me and onto Him.

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