Sunday, January 21, 2018

New Season

Today was just an awesome day for our church family. Tonight in our evening service we were given a chance to write scriptures and prayers on the unfinished walls of our renovation project and pray for this new season God is bringing us to. And God's presence was just so sweet and so real with us.

The verse that I chose to write was Habakkuk 2:2-3. Many years ago a sweet lady gave it to me to stand on when we were waiting for God to fulfill his promises and grow our family. The verse is instruction to write down the message, the vision, the promise God has given you so that it can be shared with others. The second part is about the answer being on the way. That the vision is coming and though it may seem slow, we should wait because it will come to pass just like God said it would.

There are a lot of promises God has given our church family about the salvation of kids, about the filling of seats, about growth and we believe God is moving us to season where we see some of the fulfillment of those long awaited things. It's so exciting to be here!

That doesn't mean the devil isn't fighting, but we know our hope is in God through the time of change!

And Pastor Sid was on fire today (although I generally love his preaching, today was just a step above his normal.)This morning he preached about the purpose of the church and it was just so good! He challenged us to be as concerned about those with spiritual homelessness as those with physical homelessness. Wow! So good! The other thing that stuck out was our responsibility to let people know they belong here (at RLC). That God would help us show his love in such a way that when people walk through the doors they would know they were home!

Yeah, a lot to pray about and a lot to trust God for and work toward, but I'm excited about this new season!

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