Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Few Days Off

I was off Thursday and Friday this week and got some much needed relaxation. It was nice to stay up as late as I wanted and get up when I wanted. I have to admit I was up until 2-3 each night and slept in until 10 each morning. No, that's not a lot of sleep, but somehow it didn't matter because I could stay up as late as I wanted and somehow there is freedom and relaxation in that. I'm not quite sure why God wired me this way, but I can be really productive from about midnight on. Much more productive than I am from the time I wake up until about 9:30 every morning. We didn't plan this, but BJ was off of work this week and went to Richland Chambers on a fishing trip with Tony Thursday and should be home soon. (I'm sure he'll post pics of the fish they caught later this weekend.) I love my husband, but somehow I feel guilty leaving at home while I am productive doing things he doesn't care about, so it was kinda nice to just do my own thing for a few days. On Thursday, I went up to the church and decorated the children's church room. Me and Kim, my best friend, are going to do children's church once a month for the next little while, so I now have the entire room decorated for the next 5 months. If you know me well at all, you know I don't do anything part way. The room looks pretty great if you ask me. The theme of the lesson is devotion and we are going on a "trip" to Hollywood each session to learn what bad devotion is and how we can be devoted to God. Each kids has a passport on a lanyard that they will use to "check-in" for the flight, a place to put their things at the "baggage claim," and there is a designated "connecting flights" area. I think it's going to be pretty cool and I hope the kids enjoy learning about devotion to God. On Friday, it rained and rained and rained some more. For most of the morning I did laundry and put dishes in the dishwasher while watching tv. When it finally stopped raining, I went to Walmart to purchase some flowers as well as window boxes and hanging plants to put in the front of our house. It feels so good to get that done. Friday night I hung out at Kims and we went over some stuff for children's church. Today I put some finishing touches on things for children's church and worked on my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. Now I am watching the Mavs beat the Spurs in playoff game number 1. I say that in faith because the game has been pretty close. We are currently leading by 5. Tomorrow will be busy like most Sundays, but I'm sure everything will go off well. God knows what he is doing and he is ultimately in control, so I trust him. Monday it is back to work and quarterly payroll. I'm so thankful that I got a few days to get some much needed things done and I'm ready to get back to business.

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