Saturday, June 26, 2010


If you follow your tears, you will find your heart. And if you find your heart, you will find what is dear to God. And if you find what is dear to God, you will find the answer to how you should live your life. ~Ken Gire
This quote is from the book "Strong Women, Soft Hearts" that I am reading with this online book club. I'm really far behind because I started late, but either way, this book is really good and you should read it. Now on to the point of this post. I cry, a lot. (I'm pretty sure I covered that in my last post, but just in case you missed that I thought I should repeat.) BJ will tell you that I cry at almost every TV show known to man. I guess I am just over sensitive right now. Tonight I cried while watching America's Got Talent. So yes, I'm a sap and cry at everything. So where is my heart and what makes me cry? I cry when I am disappointed in myself. I cry when I want something so bad and it just doesn't seem that I'll ever get it. I cry when I feel alone. I cry when I see God do great things for others and am wondering if he's overlooked me. I cry when I'm stressed. I cry when I am hopeless. I cry when I see others get what they've prayed for. I cry when I see kids growing up and learning to serve Jesus. I cry when I see God meet someone where they are. I cry when I see God touch people who are normally so hard and tough on the outside. I cry when I make someone a thoughtful gift and it touches their heart as much in the receiving as mine in the making. So where is my heart? I don't really know right now. But if I can determine where my heart is, and what is close to God's heart then I can know what decisions I need to make. It sounds easy on the surface, but I'm pretty sure that figuring out my heart is gonna take some time. Onto another journey, another task. Figuring out my heart as God made it. By the way I have learned Psalm 139: 1-18 so far. I know it is taking me longer than I planned, but I had a short interruption when my sis came to visit last week. Normally I get upset when I get off of my schedule, but I decided it was worth it to keep working on it one day at a time and not worry about catching up to my original schedule. I hope you are sticking with memorizing this scripture with me. Also, B.J. and I need some guidance with something we are facing right now. We feel like God is leading us but we want to be sure before we make any major decisions. If you think about it, please pray for us.

1 comment:

Brooklynn said...

I can definitely relate. I cry at almost everything too. I think it's a great character trait :)

I'll say a little prayer for you too!!