Friday, July 2, 2010


So BJ and I are trying to make some pretty serious decisions. Like any Christian would do, I asked people to pray for direction and guidance so we'll know what God wants for us in this situation. We don't want to make any rash decisions and definitely don't want to be out of the will of God. So I ask people to pray and we pray for direction. We got some more information about the decision we are trying to make and at first I was okay with it. Then all the options stressed me out and I basically cried for a couple of hours last night because I was scared and I felt like God wasn't helping me. I realized that what stresses me out is that even in letting God lead us, I am trying to control all the outcomes. When I can't control, I get scared and emotional. Goodness, I am just a bad listener. Once I finally stopped crying and toned down my emotions I was able to hear what God was saying. No, I don't know how everything's going to turn out, but I do know that if we will follow God's leading, he will open the doors that need to be opened and close the doors that aren't his way. This isn't an end all to the situation or struggle, but I know God is faithful and there is peace in this valley for me.

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