Friday, July 9, 2010

A Mother's Heart

Ok, so I'm not a mom yet since we just decided to adopt, but as soon as we made that decision, my heart changed. Now, I'm not one that likes change or embraces it quickly, so it must be a God thing. Almost immediately after we shared the news with everyone I found my prayers changing from "I want" and "I need" to "God, protect my babies." I'm starting to understand what it means to be a mother. It's about giving of yourself always, putting your plans aside so your kids get everything they need. It's about going without so they can have and giving them all the love in the world and teaching them to love God. So little ones, know that I'm praying for you and waiting for you and I love you already even thought we've never met. I know God has picked you just for us and we are anxiously awaiting for the day when he brings us together to be the family he saw since before the creation of time.


Unknown said...

So sweet. Our Father is so faithful to prepare us, I remember feeling that way too. Just be careful to not loose who you are. The best mother is one who knows who she is and never looses that so she can show her children how to do the same. Love you girl!

Unknown said...

This post makes me smile and happy tear at the same time. The joy of being a mother is just that...JOY. And, you so very deserve to know that joy, experience it, and KNOW the meaning of unconditional love in this way.