Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Theme Song

I have watched many a 80s sitcom when I was growing up. I had (and probably still have) most of the theme songs memorized. (BJ would define them as cheesy although I would say they were good clean shows with good clean humor.) I know I am not the only one who misses those shows or knows the songs still.

So this one song keeps coming up on the radio (and it isn't really a new song, actually I think I've blogged about it before, but really didn't feel like going back to try and find it.) I would call it my theme song in this time of my life. The chorus really speaks to me.
Whatever you're doing inside of me,
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace.
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see.
But I'm giving in to something heavenly

By: Sanctus Real
Peace and chaos at the same time. That definitely describes my life. In a family like mine, there is always some chaos. You learn to adjust to it and welcome it on some level. But through all the craziness on the outside and the ever swirling circumstances and emotions of 6 separate people, there is a peace inside the rules. The peace of God settles to calm the storms, or the emotions, or whatever else wants to control the day and create more chaos. The peace of God will always rule. So we learn to live and thrive and survive by the internal peace that only God can give.

Its hard for my Type A personality to accept or adjust to the unknown. I don't naturally like change and the unknown, but God is teaching me to be more flexible. I think a big part of what I am learning as a parent of 4 is flexibility and which battles are worth fighting and which aren't. And I can't control everything like I used to. And that's okay. Because what God is doing is worth losing control. Is worth surrendering to the unknown that God has prepared for us.

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