Sunday, October 18, 2009

Busy Times

Things are crazy busy right now, so I'm pretty sure that getting my once a week post in for October is pretty much shot. Everything about my life is busy right now and here are the highlights. 1. Work - We are down from 4 tax preparers to 2 (I think, we aren't sure what treatment one of them will need, but it's looking like she is gonna be out for a while). We are also in the last month before our final deadline for the year, so saying the 2 of us left are busy is an understatement. I'm not blaming anyone and I know that life happens, I'm just telling you that this is what we are working with. I'm trying to work as much as possible and be as efficient as possible while I am working. I was really hoping to go to the Women's Retreat at church on Nov 6-7 and even paid for it, but I knew there was a possibility I wouldn't get to go because of the unpredictable work schedule. It's looking like it is pretty much out at this point, but that's okay. 2. Church - Next weekend is our fall festival at church and I am in charge of the games. I have looked online and found nothing that appeals to me. Our theme is popcorn, so I was trying to do large group games involving popcorn but can't find anything on the internet. If anyone has any suggestions, let me know. Even though they were supposed to be giving BJ Sunday's off, somehow, he got scheduled for next Sunday, so I am also in charge of getting the music set up outside and running it. That won't take very long, so I should be good to go, as soon as I can come up with games. 3. Other - I must finish the scrapbook I am doing for a friend. It's going pretty well, but I've got to get it finished by Sunday so she can have it by the 27th. 4. The Challenge - Life changes and Kim and I are no longer walking in the morning. That's fine and I totally understand that she has more time to walk in the evening so she is going to do her own exercising in the evenings. That being said, I have got to make myself get my exercising in. I was originally going to get up at 5 still and go walking or do something else by myself, but with work suddenly getting busier, I really need to get up at 5 and go to work. In the evenings I need to get on my Gazelle at least 3 days a week, which I can totally do, but its really nice to have my exercising done before the day starts. I'm not saying I have no free time, because that is totally not the case, but I just have some things I need to motivate myself to get done. BJ and I watch a bit of TV and I consider that my winding down time and I really enjoy it. It something we like to do together, even if it isn't really quality time. I'll leave you with a quote that is totally unrelated to my above post, but that I am really loving right now.
When our self image gets so wrapped up in God that we lose ourselves in the process, we're free. ~By: Stormie Omartian


Sam; Jill said...

Hey Sandra! Wow! That is a lot of work! Maybe instead of watching tv to wind down together, you and BJ could walk somewhere special. You know, like maybe walk to a snow cone stand or something that makes the walk self-rewarding. Just yesterday Jill and I walked to Taco Bell. That gave us exercise and fresh air, and Taco Bell rewarded us! Also you might put the Gazelle in the way of the tv and make it a rule that you must put it out on certain nights and that you can't put it up the next day until you have done 30 minutes on it...anyway, just some ideas!
- Sam

Sam; Jill said...

Oh, and also, some popcorn ideas...

Since popcorn is so airy, you may want to try some sort of race where the participants have to ferry popcorn across an area in a spoon and fill up a bucket.

Another idea is to give them a cup of popcorn and some honey (or some other sticky substance) and see who can build the tallest or coolest-looking freestanding structure or sculpture. Another variation of this could be popcorn art, where they have paper, glue, and colored popcorn, and they have to make the coolest picture or best reproduce a given picture (for an example of this with paintballs, look up paintball pop art on youtube).

You could also fill up a wal-mart bag with popcorn and use it for volleyball (okay, so now I may be stretching things a bit...).

Last year there was something where they had to eat something off of a string. This could be modified for popcorn. Another way to do this could be to have popcorn string races (who can make one the fastest) and then have another race to see who can eat a popcorn string the fastest (keep drinks on hand to prevent choking).

Another idea is to have two tubs of popcorn with marbles in them. The goal is that the team has to take turns sticking their foot in the bucket or tub and get out a marble, then put the marble in the bucket. You can either set winners by who is first to get all of the marbles out or by who gets the most marbles out a set time. I originally saw this at a battle of the dorms at SAGU, but the bucket was full of heavily iced water!

You could also do a "fear factor" with popcorn that has been altered to look or smell really gross but that is really harmless. For example, popcorn died brown and then smashed up, popcorn dipped in a can of sardines or potted meat, etc.

Also, not popcorn related, but we once had a contest in a dorm battle where each team sent out two people. One person had to wear pantyhose, and the other had to feed that person a banana through the pantyhose. I recommend adults only to prevent kids from hurting each other, but it is really funny to watch and take pictures, and if people are motivated for a prize (even a dumb one), they will work really hard at the game!

Anyway, just some ideas. You might want to run these by a knowledgeable person to make sure that none pose a big liability issue. And remember, these are just brainstorms...


Sandra said...

Sam, You give me way too much credit. My gazelle never goes up, but stays out all the time.