Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jumping In With Both Feet

I have debated blogging my craziness for a while because I feel like its been so long that I need to catch you up and at this point that is way too overwhelming. So I've decided to jump in with both feet and start right where I am instead of trying to "catch up". I'm exhausted. I was up last night, or should I say this morning, until 2:30 finishing stuff for our Junior/Senior Celebration Service at Church. This morning I woke up at 6 and didn't really go back to sleep after that. I know that all of you mothers out there will say to deal with it because you run on that much sleep every day, but I'm not you. I love my sleep, so when I am without it, things don't go so well. For example, I have been calling people by the wrong name all day. Today at church I wasn't feeling the best because of a combination of things. First, little sleep, and second my abs are sore from Turbo Kickboxing. I guess I have been pushing my self to do extra ab work during Turbo since that is where I need to tone up the most. Yeah, I'm really sore. So with all of that, I have felt sick to my stomach today. I skipped lunch to stay at church and finish decorating for the service. About 4, I realized I was hungry so I grabbed a piece of cake at the reception. Then I went to the hospital to visit a friend's grandfather who basically adopted Jill and me when we were little. He had been in the hospital for a few weeks and I really needed to go see him. After that, I drove through Arby's and devoured a #1. It wasn't very good, mostly tasted not fresh and reheated. I was starving at that point and no matter how bad it was, it did quench my hunger. I took a quick nap on the couch and woke up to pack for tomorrow. I'm going to a conference which will be slow and uneventful as compared to the past few months for me. I am grateful for a break, even if I may get bored. We are staying at the Westin Galleria tomorrow night as opposed to coming home and braving the traffic again Tuesday morning. So tomorrow I have to be at Shannon's house at 6:30 packed and ready to go. That is before I normally am even up, so hopefully I can catch up on sleep tonight some and get my butt out of bed in the morning. I am very tempted to sleep in Shannon's car on the way to the conference, but we'll see. On another note, my name is Sandra and I'm a Turbo-a-holic. I never thought I would be addicted to going to the gym but my Turbo class is definitely addictive. I think it is about 20% the challenge and at least 50% Blanca. (For all you people keeping up with the math, I know that is not 100% but I'm not sure what the other 30% is, so there.) Yes, I'm in love with my Turbo instructor. I'm not ashamed to admit it. If you know Blanca, you'd understand. She keeps me laughing and kicks my butt every stinking time I go, which lately has been twice a week. I have a new phone and I love it. It is a Samsung Solstice. This is a big move to the 21st century in my opinion since I now have unlimited text and data. I knew you would be impressed. I may even update my blog and facebook from my phone tomorrow. Look how tech-savy I am becoming. Ok, I'm rambling now. Must stop that. Until later, (insert catchy and inspiring phrase here). Yeah, I got nothing. But that's what you get when I don't get sleep.

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