Monday, February 14, 2011

Figuring Out God

In life, we learn how to read people. We know their methods and basically we are creatures of habit. We sit in the same place at church, order the same food at each restaurant, and sit in the same place at the dinner table. So we think we can figure God out the same way. Yes, his motive is always love, and yes God does not change, but our little human minds cannot fully understand him. He is GOD, not man. This week I was reading in the Bible where God did the same thing different ways. There are a lot of examples of this, but one is when God told Moses to strike the rock once and speak to the rock another time and water would flow out of it. We think if God did it one way in the Bible he should do it that way for us, so we expect that and we try and force that to happen. Like Moses did, doing what is normal or what worked before and not listening to what he is saying. And God is just sitting by, trying to teach us to listen and obey him and not do what we are comfortable with or what has worked before. God isn't teaching us to remember what he did before and replicate it, but to seek him, listen, and obey his specific direction for the situation at hand. So just when we think we have God figured out, we realize he may or may not do things today the way he did them yesterday. Because he is GOD and I am not. No, God is not changing his mind. See, it was in his plan to do things that don't make natural sense so we wouldn't trust what is natural or common , but trust him. It is so much easier to follow the patterns we've always followed, but he is telling us, he is in control and his plan for us is just to listen and obey. Stop comparing how God moved then to now, because God is the one calling the shots and not us.


Sam; Jill said...

That's good stuff. God is sovereign for sure. We definately have to learn to keep listening and trusting.

Me said...

Wow! Thanks for this! How many times are we looking for things to happen just like in Biblical times... If God always did things the same way it would no longer be Supernatural!