Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday Katelynn!!

 It is hard having a birthday around the holidays, especially for the parents, but we try very hard to not let Katelynn's birthday on Christmas Eve blend in with Christmas too much.  This year we had a little family only birthday party for her on Sunday night December 23rd. Like last year, she insisted on a Minnie Mouse party.  She told me she keeps picking this because she loves getting new Minnie ears each year.

 Katelynn decorated the cupcakes herself with pink sprinkles and little Minnie Mouses (Mice?) on top. 6 cupcakes had candles.

 I gave in/broke down/whatever you want to call it and bought her cowboy boots which she loves.

Here is Daniel reading her birthday card to her. What a great big brother!

She begged for Carlie to spend the night and we were finally able to make this happen last night. Those girls are hilarious. Katelynn is a year older than Carlie so she loves being the leader for once. Those two are like two peas in a pod.

 We put an air mattress in the living room for them to sleep on and they enjoyed jumping and dancing on it.

 They ended the night eating popcorn with M&Ms in it and watching Charlotte's Web. They had a blast and Katelynn is already asked for the exact same thing next year.

Happy Birthday sweet girl! Keep on loving Jesus and enjoying life, every moment, every day. Your smile makes my heart happy!!

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