Thursday, April 10, 2014


"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him because he always lives to intercede for them." Hebrews 7:25

God has really exploded this verse to me in the past few days.

God is able, has the ability and power, is fully equipped and confident in his ability to save me completely. That word "save" is not just talking about salvation, but healing, deliverance, whatever I need the Great I Am to be.  His hand is not too short to reach me. He is not too busy to come through for me, but he is fully capable and willing to be there and to provide all I need.

But why? Or how?  Because Jesus is at the right hand of the throne of God making intercession for me.  The very son of God, who knows the will of the Father and who understands what I am going through (Hebrews 4:15), is interceding on my behalf before the Father.

Can you picture this?  Today, right now, Jesus is talking to God about me, asking God to give me favor, to bless my comings and my goings, to protect me and to guide me, to have his perfect will in my life, to provide his anointing and power for me as I go through my day, to use me for his glory.

Praise God!  I am so thankful that Jesus hasn't delegated this task but is personally interceding for me. And not just for me but for all who have chosen to live for him. 

Yes, life isn't fair, and yes we sometimes struggle, but we have the greatest intercessor lifting us up before the Father and he is able to save us completely!

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