Tuesday, May 23, 2017


It's been kind of an off week, or two. I guess since I blogged last.

I have all these things in my heart that I want to see, where I feel God is leading me, us, but I don't really know how to get there. I pray about it a lot. I seek Godly counsel. And it always comes back to me. I have to go for it. I have to obey. But I also have to be respectful of others and be careful not to hurt anyone in the process. Oh, yes, people may get hurt, but I don't want it be because I was careless and ignored their concerns.

If there were no obstacles, this would be so much easier. If I knew how people would respond, I would lead differently. But instead I hesitate. I overthink. I get scared.

Really, I think we all want to see the same things, but communicating my vision in a way that makes sense, that people can support is difficult. I told someone this week to get people to be on board with change, the vision has to be clear and communicated clearly.

I'm not a natural born leader (although some would argue with that). I'm a great supporter and follower, but being the catalyst of change, the mover and shaker, is not my style. I like things to change gradually, so it almost appears it was on accident. People are less affected if it's a little at a time rather than all at once, right? It gives them time to adjust as they go. I don't like to rock the boat and I definitely don't like confrontation.

But I really feel like I need to push things along faster rather than allow change to happen accidentally. So, with God's help I'm making a plan. Listing the things that I feel need to be addressed. Praying about who to talk to and I will take the next step.

Goodness, this isn't easy, but I believe it'll be worth it. God, help me!!

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