So 5 years ago I started this 30 blog challenge and made it a whopping three days. I created a separate label for those blogs (so whomever could search for them) and it has been bothering me that the category called 30 Blogs only has 3 entries. So I must go back and finish the 30 Blogs (yes even 5 years later). I give you permission to laugh at my insanity.
#4 - What is a habit that you wish you didn't have?
This is so pertinent right now. The habit I wish I didn't have is kind of multifaceted. It's my obsession with finishing things in total or completing what I start. I suppose it goes hand in hand with being a perfectionist. Normally finishing what you start is a good thing, but if I get stuck in the middle of something I don't have desire to finish or can't finish, it is very hard for me to leave it and move on to something else. A good example would be when I'm reading a book. Maybe the beginning is good and then I get in the middle and it doesn't feel applicable or as helpful as it once did. I feel guilty skimming through or putting the book away and starting a new book. I also feel guilty only reading parts of a book and not all of it. I was just telling my mom I'm trying to give myself permission to skip things that don't apply and not feel like I'm cheating. Seriously, it's not like I'll be given a quiz on the literature. I think the bigger issue than not finishing something is that I'm not released to move on to something else and I get stuck. I'm trying to cut myself a break, but it's a work in progress.
I also think it's funny that I'm picking up on something I didn't finish 5 years ago and writing about being frustrated with not letting myself not finish something...
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