Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Nay Sayers

Had a bit of a discouraging day yesterday. Nothing I can't survive, but just reminded me that not everyone will be on board when you decide to follow God and let him move you forward. I was on cloud 9 and really excited spiritually and just heard some things and it let me down.

As someone who doesn't naturally love change, I kinda get it. Change is uncomfortable and if it ain't broke, why do we need to fix it? The problem comes when we dictate what God wants by what is comfortable for us. I know that sometimes we can determine what God's will is by whether we have peace in our hearts, but we can't mistake easiness or comfortableness in our circumstance for peace. Even if God is moving us in a certain direction, there can very well be an uneasiness. It could be a distraction from the enemy or a check that reminds us to remain focused and move forward with caution.

I've said this before and will say it again. You can't keep doing things the same with the same methods and the same programs and the same tactics and expect a different result. That's insanity!

Anyways, so as I was trying to not be frustrated and angry, I was reminded of a song.

Who can stop the Lord Almighty? Who can stop the Lord Almighty?

No one. Not even well intentioned naysayers.

God help us to follow you, knowing there will be opposition, even from those close to us.

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