Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bad Things Happen to God's People

I know we have all asked God why at some point in our lives. It doesn't make sense to us that people who do all the right things and serve Him with everything endure some of the most difficult things in life. If we were to determine who had to deal with such hardship, we would pick the person who ignored God and refused him, the murderer, the sexual predator, the bad guy instead of the one who made the decision to follow God, instead of good people. The reality is that life isn't fair. There is sin in the world and while we are in the world we will have to endure difficult things. Praise God that he doesn't leave us in the storm. He never leaves us. Never. It is during the storms that we realize who we believe in and that He is worth it. We are tempted to doubt and tempted to deny our God, but we learn that he is the only one who can sustain our souls and give peace in the midst of turmoil. This morning in church, God told us that he was with us and surrounding us with his love if we would just accept it and receive his love. On that note, let me leave you with the words to a chorus I have grown to love, especially in the time of storms. I want to sit at your feet. Drink from the cup in your hand, Lay back against you and breath, Feel your heartbeat. This love is so deep. It's more than I can stand. I melt in your peace, It's overwhelming.

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