Tuesday, March 2, 2010


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 So, why does God tell us to come to him? The main reason we hear about is that he wants us to come because he is the only one who can satisfy our needs, who fulfills us completely. I am not discounting that at all, because that is great, but there is another reason that God keeps calling us to come. Because we won't come to him unless he begs us. We have it all figured out and we know exactly what we need and how to get it, so we go through our days as usual trying everything we know to try. Not until we fail and have no other options do we finally run to God and seek his help and his ways. 09/11 is a perfect example of this. America didn't want God until tragedy hit and for a few weeks, churches were full. We didn't know what else to do at that point, so we turned to God. Then life was back to normal and we returned to doing things our way. God is not supposed to be our last resort like a long desperate pass with seconds left in the end of a football game. God wants to be our only resort, the one we turn to first and not after we are out of plans and ideas. The one we go to before the tragedy hits and not afterward so he can pick up the pieces of our lives and clean up the mess we've made. We have heard the saying "God helps those who helps themselves" so many times that we think it is Scripture. It isn't. I'm not saying that God wants us to be lazy or stupid in our decisions, but the best we can do on our own is just like filthy rags to him. So why do we waste so much time doing all we can, when God is just asking us to come to him? When we come to God first, he leads us and lets us know what to do all along the way and we don't wear ourselves out in an attempt to make our filthy rags appear to be something valuable to those watching us. So give up your ways, and run to God. He is waiting for you to come.

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