Saturday, March 20, 2010

Eventful Day

The very title of this post suggests that I have days that are uneventful. I wish. Maybe I should work on that, a day of doing nothing. But then I would be bored. Hmmm. 1. Turbo Kick Boxing - check. Blanca was out but Tanya did a pretty good job. She wasn't Blanca by any stretch of the imagination, but either way it was good for me. There weren't many people there, probably because Texas decided it should be winter again after it being almost 80 yesterday, but I am still glad I did it. 2. Pedicure - check. Not that any of you will see my toes any time soon since it is winter again (see item above). Ugh. But trust me, they are beautiful! I told BJ a week or so ago that he should get me a gift certificate to a pedi/spa like he did last year for our anniversary. He said, "You could just go get a pedicure." Duh. Why didn't I think of that? I guess I'm just not in the habit of doing things for me unless there is a special occasion. Thanks to BJ, I went and got my pedicure and didn't even have a gift certificate to pay for it. 3. Easter Clothes Shopping - check. Went to Kohls, bought new clothes, don't have to do it next weekend or the next with all the last minute crazies. Please don't take offense if you are a last minute kind of person. I really didn't mean to insult you. I am just usually right there with you, but this year, I am ahead of schedule. Yippee for me. 4. Whataburger for Lunch - check. I got the normal #8 which I have wanted for a while, but BJ always seems to go to Whataburger for lunch during the week and isn't interested in having it for dinner for that reason. I was so sad to realize they didn't give me any gravy. It's just not chicken strips and toast without the gravy. Oh well, at least I got the chicken I suppose. 5. Laundry - check. Well kinda. I folded laundry from last weekend. I know, I am a slacker in that area. I actually don't care if we have to live out of the laundry baskets for our socks and underwear. We survive. I also did another load of laundry, but need to get it out of the dryer and fold it. I'm sure the folding will be put off until next weekend. That's just how I roll. (I am laughing out loud at my use of that phrase. It is so not me.) Left to go for tonight I have to finish my Sunday School lesson and children's church prep for tomorrow. I actually should be working on that right now, but I begged BJ to get to use the computer so I could post. I had all these thoughts running through my head as I went to Sonic to get a half price Cherry Dr. Pepper during happy hour. He has been working on a few website updates for clients since he got home from work. Ok, I have to tell you this funny story in closing. Ok, I love puns. LOVE THEM!! I think it is hilarious when people say punny things. BJ would say it is corny, but I still love it. With that being said, BJ said the punniest thing this week and I must share. We were watching the biggest loser on Tuesday. I must interrupt myself to say that I always cry when people leave the show, seriously, I do. Am I the only one who does this? Ok, back on topic, we were watching the show and BJ said, you know what song they should play when she leaves the ranch? He was referring to Sunshine. She is on the Bob's team if you follow the show. My answer of course was "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone" by Bill Withers. (This is where you either think I'm crazy, or you laugh out loud.) BJ was embarrassed that the thought even enteredh his mind, but I love him so much more for it. He felt as if our friend, Ricky, had drained some of his infinite punniness into BJ's head. Ricky used to go to church with us and was forever being punny. He is probably the punniest person I know. Anyway, I hope this story brought a smile to someone's face, because even reiterating it here has made me laugh again. You may be wondering why I am posting twice in two days. Well, because I am off today! I'm sure the next three and a half weeks will be crazy at work, but at least today, I have a moment to share my life and the crazy randomness of it all. I hope someone appreciates my effort.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm so sorry about the gravy!! My heart really went out to you when I heard that. A Whataburger #8 just isn't a Whataburger #8 without gravy! I've been craving a #8 lately. I don't know where I can get chicken strips with toast, soggy fries, and gravy around here. Definately in the plan for my trip in June.