Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coincidence or Not

I don't know what you believe, but I don't believe in luck or coincidence. When things happen that seem unlikely, I call that God's hand and God's favor and not being lucky. Because God knows exactly what is going to happen in my life way before I do.
Psalm 139:16 All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
On Monday we got what we perceived as devastating news. My heart was broken. Yes, I chose to trust God through the tears and confusion, but the circumstances looked bleak at best. And the tears kept coming for the better part of the evening and into Tuesday and whenever someone asked what was wrong. (On a side note, doesn't that just make you cry again? Maybe sometimes its good not to ask even if you do care. Just a thought.) So we kept on praying as did a ton of other people. God wasn't surprised even though we were. We chose to trust when it didn't look good and on Friday, the situation changed and God reminded us once again that he is in control. (Right, Heather?) It never changed, but God was letting us realize no matter how great our intentions and plans, we are not God and we can't change a thing. We are only his servants and we can pray His will is accomplished. Sometimes, I think he is just testing us to see where our faith lies, in our plans and schemes or in Him. I am glad that every single day, significant or not to me, were planned for me before I was even created. It's not chance or luck, but God's will that controls what goes on in my life as I am faithful to him.

1 comment:

J.B.L said...

Love it! Praying that His will be done for you guys!