My friend Raven has been recording Bible Studies on YouTube for the past month or so and yesterday's episode gave me a perfect place for jumping off here. Don't mean to steal your thunder Raven, but God spoke so clearly to me I feel like I must share! :)
Her Bible Study was primarily out of Matthew 7:24-27 and she talked about the wise and foolish men who built their house on the rock and sand, respectively. We can choose to build our lives on the firm foundation of Jesus by hearing his word and obeying what he says to do.
I think a lot of people don't make this choice because they don't see the necessity of it. They think life is just fine and there is no need to change anything. Because change is hard and takes work.
But, guys, we are living on the beach in Galveston and Hurricane Ike is coming. When building a house in a flood zone/hurricane zone, a lot of precautions have to be made. The garage on the bottom floor is required to have break away walls that give way to whatever storm comes so the house can stand. The piers that hold the house up have to be made of a certain strength and drilled down a certain depth so the house can stand. The windows should withstand high winds so the inside can be protected from the storm. All because they expect to see some hurricanes or storms. If you want the house to survive at all, these are necessities. We aren't talking about paying for a luxury, something extra, but the bare minimum.
A foundation in Christ isn't optional. It is life or death.
Cause the storm will come. The difference is whether it will kill you or make you stronger. Whether you are clinging to your ways, your methods, your strength, or His firm foundation. Cause His is unshakeable and your own strength, no matter how strong you perceive yourself, will fail you.
I've been through a lot of storms and my foundation made all the difference in the world. I truly don't know what I would have done during the hurricanes of my life if I didn't have God. Holding my hand. Making me stand through it by His strength. Because He is enough. Our hope in the darkest nights. Our strength when we feel our weakest. Our everything. Our firm and steady foundation. The reason we can be unmovable during the storms.
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