Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Can't Love

I am horrible at loving people. It is not natural for me to be compassionate and kind, patient and loving toward others, especially when I feel like they are being irresponsible or immature. I will try to help anyone once, but I tend to give up on people who won't help themselves or continue to make the same bad choices.

And I have tried to be loving where I know it isn't natural for me. It only last so long before I find myself impatient and frustrated again and feeling like I have wasted my effort and energy. 

Tonight I was looking through our Sunday school material and something just hit me. True love, God's love is a fruit of the Spirit, so the only way I can ever fully love someone like God does is to let God's Spirit dwell in me and love through me. It is not something I can practice or learn but it must come straight from God to them. 

And the more time I spend with the God, the more loving and patient I will become, by his strength and his power. So I have to learn, not how to love, but how to be closer to God and let him love people through me. I have been making this way too hard and getting frustrated with myself in the process.

Thank you God for loving through me as I stay close to you and strive to be led by your Spirit each day.

1 comment:

Kimberly Williams said...

Your a beautiful person Sandra no matter what. We all fall short of the glory of God..We have to laugh at ourselves sometimes and know that we are not perfect and we will mess up often...but God....(I love that BUT GOD) always picks us back up and says ok TRY AGAIN!!