I have this song stuck in my head. Yesterday I heard it on my Pandora station and it just fit my life so well right now. The song is Never Once by Matt Redman.
Never once did we ever walk alone.
Never once did you leave us on our own.
You are faithful. God, you are faithful.
I don't know about you, but I know a lot of people who are going through some serious trials and testing right now. Whether if be physical, or family, or emotional, the Devil is definitely at work right now. Some times I am just so tired of the fight and I just want it all to go away.
Kind of like a kid in gym class who wants to get out of some physically straining activity. If only they could get a parents note or a doctors note so they could be excused from the less pleasant parts of the class.
And so we beg, no matter how futile we know our attempt is, for God to give us a pass. To let us just skip this part and move on to something more comfortable for us. And as expected, it is to no avail.
Because God intends for us to go through some stuff. To build our faith. To draw us closer to his side. To teach us to trust him more and depend on him solely. And no matter how lonely it feels or how much we are hurting, we can trust in this one thing.
God will be with us the whole journey. From start to finish, he will be by our side, strengthening us as only he can. Encouraging us when we want to give up. Pushing us forward when we lose momentum.
And when this passes, and it most certainly will, we will be able to look back and KNOW that we were never by ourselves. That even if we felt alone, he never left us. Never Once. Because God is indeed faithful.
His Word is greater than any diagnosis from a doctor, advice from a professional or whatever other words you are holding on to. Let go of them and KNOW that God, the one who made you and formed you knows better than anyone else and He is the one walking with you through it all. His word will stand the test of time and His word is worth holding onto and depending in.