Saturday, February 15, 2014

Just Ask God

How often do we just deal with our problems instead of asking God to fix them? 

God really convicted me of this last night while I was sleeping.  See, my sweet boy, Seth, has been throwing up. He doesn't act like he feels bad or run a fever but he goes from fine to crying without warning and next comes the vomiting. And as quick as it comes he's back to normal.

So we have narrowed it down to car sickness, teething, or potential lactose intolerance. And we have thought through multiple solutions: switch him back to backward facing (when this initially started), try almond or soy milk, and the list goes on. I've gotten advice from multiple people and we have all racked our brains to figure this out. (He has a pediatrician appointment on Thursday and since we are making sure he is staying hydrated and he isn't running a fever, we have opted to wait until then to see the doctor). We have googled and searched the internet and are really not any closer to where we were all the time.

Last night, God plainly asked me why we did just ask him to heal him. Well, duh!  I was so busy planning and fixing it all, I hadn't even thought of that.

Aren't we all like this sometimes? We see the problem and want to fix and get information and prepare ourselves for the inevitable, when God is saying "Didn't you forget I am God? What is impossible for man is possible with me!"

So last night I prayed for him and have been continuing to do so every time we feed him, every time he gets in a car, every time anything reminds me of the possibility that he could throw up. God is still in the healing business and nothing is too small or too hard for him. I fully expect it to just dissipate and not be an issue any more. Because God is big enough. I feel so silly for enduring this without ever even thinking to ask God to heal him.

I am so grateful I serve a God who wants to help me on a daily basis, if I will just learn to ask him.

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