Seth had his 18 month checkup and for what I think is the first time ever, they weren't concerned about either his weight (too little) or his head (too big). He weighs 22 lb 14oz, is 30.5 inches long, and is such a sweet boy. He is wearing a size 18 months in shirts and one piece rompers and still 12 months in pants/shorts and some jammies. Since he is so small, he usually outgrows his pants by getting too tall rather than being too big around. Last week he wore size 9 months shorts with no problem at all. He is wearing s size 4 shoe and size 3 diapers, but I am about to buy size 4 today since he is borderline with those sizes. He has a mouth full of teeth (13-15) and can eat just about anything if he will.
Dinner time is interesting because he is trying to lose his afternoon nap so he is tired and hungry and doesn't know what he wants. He is usually taking a 2 hour nap in the morning, some times longer, but once the kids are home, he is too busy to take a nap. He is still nursing when he wakes up and before bed, but I think we will lose the night time feeding this week and the morning feeding after Thursday ( when BJ and I are getting away for a few days to celebrate our 10 year anniversary ). He has been taking 3oz of milk from a bottle after he nurses most evenings, so he is definitely a growing boy.
He is sleeping like a champ. I don't really know when I started laying him down awake and he starting putting himself to sleep, but maybe about 15 months or so. If he is still hungry, he won't let me put him down without a fuss, but as long as he is full, he may fuss for a second but is fine by the time I make it to the door of his room. I am so grateful that I am finally getting a full night of sleep. I had gotten used to waking up for him, but I noticed the change when things resumed back to "normal".
Seth is getting more clingy to me, but not so bad that it isn't manageable.
He is at such a fun age. He is learning new things every day and is able to sign and talk many words. He can say mama, dada, ama (grandma), all done, more, ball, up, and bubba. He also says uh huh for yes and uh uh for no. You can tell the difference by his facial expression and animated eyebrows. He can sign all done, more, please, help, and amen. He knows what sound a cow, cat, monkey and dog says (his dog noise resembles panting more than a bark). He counts (with grunts or hums) and points to items in a group one at a time. He loves to sing and play a rhythm on anything he can turn into a drum.
I sing a round and round song I made up and he will turn in circles and make himself dizzy. He loves to wear shoes he finds lying around, which is usually mine. He loves to kick a ball around and will wait for " ready, set, go!" and then start running. He loves to be outside and swing at grandmas or the park. He gets mad when the big kids are outside playing and he can't join them. We try to let him play outside some, but its hard since the mosquitos love him so much.
He loves to give hugs and kisses and snuggle.
Although he is only 18 months, he has started throwing little fits. I keep reminding him that he isn't 2 yet, but it doesn't seem to matter. He has started this frown or pouting look and I can't help but laugh at him. It is so funny to me. He can be pretty stubborn when he doesn't want to do something.
Being a mom and watching him grow up is so rewarding. He brightens my day and helps me keep things in perspective. I see how good God is in his sweet smile every day.