Saturday, April 18, 2015

Haley Girl

Haley is my hardest child. Not because of her. Because of me. We are both first borns, both stubborn, both like to be in control. So we bump heads and egos a lot. Maybe if I was a second born, or middle, a peacemaker, I would deal with her better.

But today was golden. I think the new chore chart has been really good for her. For us. She's earned about $10 this week and I haven't had to do laundry or vacuum. She even folded a load that's been sitting around for a while cause its not priority to me. She keeps asking what else she can do. I love it! And when I'm less stressed about the house and what isn't getting done (because I am lazy and really just want to lay around) I am much more patient with everyone. And she loves taking responsibility and accomplishing tasks and having something to show for it. Yeah, she's a lot like me.

She is doing so much better in school than a year ago when we received her learning disability diagnosis. Her current teachers don't think she'd even qualify for services if we had her retested. She is definitely moving I the right direction. I am considering having her retested next year. She doesn't want the extra help really, but I think it has done her a world of good. That and just growing up some. I'm hoping Daniel has the same growth in maturity in the next year (even though I know boys mature later, I can always hope.)

While all the kids were outside, I hung up some pictures on my walls. That has been on my list for about 6 months. Felt good to get something accomplished. I am really enjoying the quiet time when all the kids are outside playing. That hasn't been possible until recently, since Seth thinks he is so big. I'd better enjoy it before Julia gets here. I only have about 4 months before the chaos will ensue. But it'll be good chaos. Chaos I asked for, prayed for, God given chaos.

And as much as I worry and wonder what it'll be like and if we can handle it, I know that God will provide strength again. As he always has.

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