Saturday, July 18, 2015

Trusting the Source

When life gets hairy and we don't know how we are going to make it, God is faithful to take care of his own. And we are grateful for the provision. And as time goes on and we get used to the provision of God, we have a tendency to trust in the comfortable circumstances rather than the provider.

We trust in our job to take care of us instead of the one who provided the job.
We trust in the reliable vehicle instead of the source.
We trust in medicine and doctors for our health instead of our Creator and healer.

This morning I was reading about Elijah as God provided for him by commanding ravens to give him food and water from the brook at Cherith. And on purpose, God allowed the brook to dry up and the ravens to stop coming. Not because he was mad at Elijah but because he needed to test where Elijah's trust was. In the ravens and the water or in God, the provider.

When we get comfortable, it's easy to get our eyes focused on the wrong things. Or on things rather than the one. The source.

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