Sunday, November 29, 2015


I've had the song "Good Good Father" resonating in my head for a few days. The line that speaks to me says "and I'm loved by you. It's who I am."

We aren't loved by God because we are special or have attained something. Because he loves us, we are something. The love of our perfect father makes us who we are. He is our identity.

How many times in life do we strive and strive to win someone's approval or acceptance only to find that we have lost our identity in trying to be accepted? With God it is just the opposite. We aren't really ourselves until we accept the love only he can give. 

It just shows that we were created to love and be loved by God. When we reject that love and search everywhere else to "find ourselves," the more lost we become. We will never be more ourselves than when we are in his arms being loved by Him.

I wish those searching could see that he is the only answer. The acceptance and love they are searching for. So many struggles and so much hurt could be avoided if they would only turn to God instead of running from him.

We are loved by Him and that makes us who we are.

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