Friday, December 18, 2009

I've Neglected You for 11 Days

As I'm sure is the case for all of you, the past few weeks have been absolutely crazy! And I don't even have kids to throw into the mix. I cannot imagine how people do all the crazy Christmas things with kids. I am so very appreciative of every parent who handles all this and manages kid functions as well. So, what have I been up to for the past 11 days? A LOT. -painting backdrops -Christmas cards -buying presents (I am still not done with this, but I think I have everything I need to make it through the Christmas functions this weekend and Monday) -going to the gym 3 times a week -Ladies Christmas party at church and memorizing the lines for the little skit I did -children's church -Sunday School -Wednesday night girls class -Christmas caroling -planning Christmas lunch, which is at my house this year The "Challenge" is over and I am so over not having fried foods and sweets. It's the holidays and right now, I'm gonna eat whatever I want to. I didn't lose any weight to speak of during the challenge, but the one thing I did gain was that I learned that I really enjoy going to the gym, especially to attend group exercise classes. I plan to continue getting my water in every day and working out as I have time, but besides that I am so through with the challenge. I would probably feel better about missing so many good foods if I actually managed to lose weight. Since that didn't happen for me, I just decided that the size and weight I am now is fine. I'm really not that overweight, so just getting my exercise in will help me be healthier in the long run. This weekend is our Christmas program at church and tomorrow I have to go up to the church, help put up the backdrops I painted and get the lights situated. Our dress rehearsal is at 2. I also need to go get the groceries I need for my Sunday School "party" and our all church dinner after the play. I just remembered, I also need to write out the words and chords for a song I'm going to sing at the all church singing and that BJ is going to play guitar for. Maybe I should work on that tonight. Next week I am off all week and have something going on every day except Thursday when I will be making some things in advance for Christmas. I am hoping to get up early to finish my Christmas shopping before the crazy people get to the store. Monday I have my Cardio Dance class at the gym and our work Christmas party at 11:30. Tuesday I have a dentist appointment and then am meeting some ladies from work for lunch. Jackie, who used to work with us is coming to visit, so I am going to go to lunch with them, whether I am able to actually eat after the dentist or not. Wednesday I have a doctors appointment before lunch and maybe lunch with a friend and her boys. Wednesday night we are doing Christmas with my best friend and her family. The most exciting thing going on is that MY SISTER WILL BE HERE ON SATURDAY!!! I am a little excited, can you tell? I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. I may update this week while I'm off, but you never know. Until then, the craziness continues...

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