Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve Almost

Last night BJ and I were on our way to his grandparents for Christmas Eve dinner with his dad. His mom wasn't feeling well and decided not to go. Well, about 2 and a half hours into a trip that normally takes about an hour and twenty minutes, we decided to turn around and come home. So instead of enjoying seeing family I haven't seen in a few years, we enjoyed about 4 hours in a car with the few of us talking about whatever happened to come up. The weather was crazy between the wind and the snow and 287 was basically a parking lot for over an hour. It didn't turn out as we all expected, but it was okay. Once we got home, we had to find some place open to eat dinner because we were starving. We ended up at Splendid China, one of our favorite local places. The food was yummy and then we opened our Christmas presents to each other. One of the things BJ got me was the new Super Mario game for the wii and I am so excited. I am not very good at games like that, but I still love them and spend way too much time trying to beat all the levels. He also got me Big Brain Academy which is right up my nerdy alley. Because of the weather, Bop and Marcy decided not to make the trek down to my house this morning, so Christmas ended up only being BJ's parents and us until about 1 when my dad showed up. Besides opening presents, we played on the wii for a bit and were highly entertained. Lets just say that my dad and BJ's are quite animated and it was fun watching them play. We ended the day with a game of Balderdash that Neal won. Tomorrow, I guess my mom is having dinner with some family (I didn't know anything about it until today so I guess I haven't been communicating with her well the past few weeks). BJ works so tomorrow evening will be Christmas with my family after he gets off. I haven't been feeling the best, but I am surviving. I have the crud, I guess, and my throat has been scratchy and I get to coughing every once in a while. I am still able to sleep, so that's good and I should be better soon.

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