Saturday, December 5, 2009

Running Around Like a Chicken With My Head Cut Off

Today has been just crazy busy. I got up bright and early to work on painting backdrops for the church Christmas Play. In case you are not in Texas, I wanted to inform you that it has been pretty cold (in the 30s and 40s) and painting a back drop in the garage is not much warmer. BRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! I got one of the two backdrops done, so I am feeling pretty good even though it was very cold and at moments I thought I was going to lose a finger or two to frostbite. After I finished that, I went grocery shopping, which really needed to be done. I guess we haven't been grocery shopping for a couple of weeks. We spent a lot of time at my parents over Thanksgiving, and since we weren't home to cook or in the evenings, we survived even though the food in our house was minimal. Tomorrow we are having our senior Christmas lunch, and since I do not know if our missionette director will be there or not, I have a lot on my mind that needs to be done tomorrow before church. I have to make sandwiches, get my soup ready to go in the crockpot, get lettuce and tomato cut, move tables in the fellowship hall, decorate the tables and the wall with our theme, and get everyone elses sandwiches on trays and in the fridge during church. I also have to make breakfast for my class and get my Sunday School lesson together. I don't tell you how busy I am so you will feel sorry for me or want to help. I tell you because I have this odd memory that if I tell someone anything or write it down, I remember everything and am able to plan my time to get everything done. You should ask BJ. I often tell him to remind me to do things and he knows he won't have to because I will remember if I tell him to remind me. Also, tomorrow, I have Christmas play practice and practice for the Ladies Christmas party skit. We are going to practice between services since we will all be there anyway. I have about half of my 4 page script memorized, so I am doing pretty good. Tonight is the Big 12 Championship and I am looking forward to watching my Huskers. I don't really expect them to beat Texas, but I do want them to show up for the game and I want the blackshirts to at least get Colt McCoy on the turf once and let Texas' offensive line feel some pressure. Winning would be icing on the cake, but I'm not expecting a miracle. I learned a long time ago in high school not to trash talk the other team unless I know that Nebraska will beat them. The sad thing is that my dad can't decide who he is supporting in this game. Can you believe that a lifelong Husker fan is indecisive? Hypocrisy I tell you. His years in Texas has jaded his viewpoint. I guess I am the only true Husker fan in our family. Dad, I am disappointed! How dare you deny your Huskers when they need you the most! It's a sad sad day in the Hutsell family.

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