Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 6 - Thankfulness

It really surprises me that kids who come from hard places aren't more appreciative when they get a new home where things, from the adult perspective, are so much better and they don't really need for anything.  In my discussions with other adoptive parents, I have learned it is quite common for the kids to act entitled and not grateful or appreciative.  We have come a long way in the past year in this area.

It is easy for all of us, adults included, to be too busy or too preoccupied to be grateful and thankful for what we have. Even with the best of intentions. it doesn't always happen like it should.


God, teach us all to be more appreciative and more grateful for the many things you have blessed us with.  God, you have given us so much more than we deserve and we are amazed!  I know that gratefulness is more than words, but an attitude, so change our thoughts and our attitudes towards people and bring us to a place we are truly thankful for all you are doing and have done. Help us to see people as you do and to appreciate their work and their efforts on our behalf.  Help us to encourage and build up and not hurt and tear down with our words and out actions.  May we never forget that you are our provider and without you we would have nothing and would be no one.  We are who we are and have what we have because of your goodness and your grace.

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