Monday, November 12, 2012


Wow!  I can't even begin to describe how I feel today. Or how I am supposed to feel.

In two days Seth will be here. Two days.

The kids are ecstatic. Seriously. Every time Daniel sees me he runs up to me with his giddy smile and reminds me how soon Seth will be here with a gentle hug, rub to my belly, and a little hello to his baby brother. Haley's eyes just light up when we start talking about it and tells me over and over that she just wants to hold him and cuddle him. And Katelynn just wants to kiss his head and give him hugs.

I am so glad they are so excited.  It sure is making this a lot easier on me.  I am not naive enough to think that there won't be some attitude and adjustments in the upcoming weeks, but I am praying for as smooth as a transition as possible. Maybe there isn't any jealousy yet because they are a little older (8,7 and 5). Anyone with older kids have experience with bringing home a new baby? Just wondering if their behavior is typical for their age or if I am just getting the calm before the storm.

Today, I am done. Done with being pregnant. Done with not being comfortable to sleep. Just done. But I am so used to getting by I can tolerate it for a short few days just so I can stay on a schedule.  You know I really love having a plan if I give up comfort just so things can stay on schedule. Ha!

In the past few days I have been the recipient of a lot of prayers, mainly for peace.  Because I could definitely use it right now. Because the unknown is scary and whatever happens on Wednesday will definitely be new territory for me. I haven't really been worried about things, but I'm sure it will cross my mind early Wednesday morning as we head to the hospital. I have been too tired and too uncomfortable to really think about what will transpire on Wednesday. Maybe that's a good thing.

And today I am thankful for having a diagnostic laparoscopy last July. Because before that point I was pretty scared to be at the hospital and IVs made me feel squeamish. Now, I know I can do it and it's not a big deal.  So silly I let that freak me out. Just one of the reasons God let me endure all that last year.  Because He knew better. He always does.


Unknown said...

So excited for you!!!!

Paula-Beth said...

Eeeek!! So so so very excited for you guys!!

As far as there being a difference with jealousy when the kids are older- yes, I think so. Lucy was more hyperactive for the first few months-I think just making sure her presence was known-but jealousy really wasn't an issue, thankfully. I think part of that was bc she had prayed daily for God to give her a baby brother and sister, so she was excited about Gabriel joining our family. I think another part was her age, too tho. She could process it all so much more easily than if she were even a year or two younger.

Can't wait to see pix of your precious baby boy!