Monday, November 26, 2012

The three states of Seth

I love wide awake baby pictures. Love them. So most of my pics posted on facebook are of Seth wide awake.  And I often get comments about how alert he is and questions about if he is like that all that time and if he sleeps at all.  So to answer those questions, let me describe for you the three states of Seth: Asleep, Alert, Hungry.

Since birth pretty much when Seth is awake he has been very alert with wide open eyes and just looking around taking everything in.  He isn't ever really half awake or looking sleepy. He is pretty much either awake or asleep. He is quite content to be laying on the floor or in my lap just looking around for a few hours at a time.  This makes him a pretty easy baby.  He isn't generally fussy or requiring to be held all the time which I am so grateful for.   I prayed for a gentle easy going baby to offset my three dramatic children, and I figured it was possible with a laid back dad like BJ, and I'm so glad that so far it looks like God is answering my prayers.

2 Days Old
3 Days Old
12 Days Old
Seth is a great sleeper.  When he is asleep he is totally out.  I have had to wake him to feed him every night since he was born. And it had been very hard to get him to wake up long enough to feed and keep him awake.  He always ends his meals with a nice long nap that starts in the middle of eating.  I have to do a lot of prompting to keep him awake. I never thought I'd be the mom to wake my kid to feed him, but when he lost a little more than he should right after birth, that changed.  He's just recently started waking up when he was hungry so I could feed him, so I am glad for that.

About the only time Seth is fussy is when he is hungry. He goes from perfectly content to searching for his next meal pretty quickly.  He is getting hungry more often which is good, especially for a guy who was so little when he was born. And he is mastering the art of latching on, so feedings aren't taking an hour and a half for him to eat 20 minutes like they used to.  (And let me tell you that will wear any new mother out in a heartbeat. I may do a whole post on how breastfeeding is going later.)

We are so blessed by our little man and I am so excited to see the man of God he will become.

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