Friday, October 31, 2014

God Comes While We Wait

Earlier in the week, I started looking at my Sunday School lesson and God really spoke to me. If you are in my Sunday School class consider yourself warned for the upcoming spoiler.

We all know the story of Sarah and Abraham. God had promised them a son and many descendants and they waited about 25 years before they saw God's promise fulfilled. What I'd never really thought about was the way God showed himself to them during the time of waiting.

It was during these years that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and rescued Lot in answer to Abraham's prayer. This was to show them that nothing is impossible with God.

It was also during the wait that Sarah found favor with Abimelech. When he pursued her ( believing that Sarah was Abraham's sister) God punished Abimelech by closing the wombs of his wife and maids. Abraham, whose own wife was barren, prayed for God to open their closed wombs and God heard him. This showed Abraham and Sarah very clearly that nothing is impossible, even the opening of barren wombs (the very thing they were struggling to believe God could do.)

So God intentionally showed himself to them while they were waiting on his promise to remind them that he is God and to encourage them to hold on a little longer. Why? Because he knew that waiting isn't easy, but that it is worth it in the long run.

I go back to our time of waiting, when we were dealing with unexplained infertility. During the waiting, God led us to adopt our three beautiful children. Three children who already had family names from our family. Three children who look just like us and fit us perfectly. Yes, these children were a miracle of their own, but they were also a reminder to us that God was still faithful and he was still going to be faithful to his promise to us.

And 5 months later, we found out we were pregnant!

So be encouraged! God is faithful to his word and he will very intentionally speak and move even as you wait to encourage and remind you that he loves you and will keep his promises!

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