B.J. ditched me. And by that I mean he got his own blog. That means I need to revamp my blog since it really doesn't matter what he thinks anymore so I can make it as girly as I want. With that being said, I am not very savy when it comes to all of this, so please bear with me as I play a little. It's gonna be a mess for a few days (actually knowing me, I'd say I'll at least get it presentable tonight since I can't stand chaos very long). I do have a couple of other things to blog about, so I'm not sure if that'll happen before or after I get this the way I want it. Also, I am trying to come up with a catchy blog name that suits me and my soon to be family of 5. So if anyone is creative or has any ideas, please share with me so I can decide. I like alliterations but not so much it is annoying. I also like puns, so something punny might be good.
Five makes a family!
You are apparently the only creative person I know.
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