Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chicago Here I Come

Tomorrow morning I've leaving to head to my sister's for the long weekend. So here is my top 6 reasons I am ready for my vacation.

6.Chicago - I've never been up to see my sister since she moved up there. It's nice to get a mental picture of where someone lives so when you talk to them you see them in the living room or kitchen or whatever. It gives you a better understanding. I missed their first home up there all together, but it'll be nice to see where they live.
5. I will not be working. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my job most of the time. But it is always nice to get a break. I know that I haven't been working a ton of hours, but I feel like I have a perpetual deadline hanging over my head. I have got to get some things done before I spend some time with the kids when we get them.
4. I am flying by myself and I really enjoy being independent and doing things on my own. That means I get to decide everything while traveling and not consult anyone. Let me give BJ some credit before you think he is so difficult to deal with. He is not, at all. He usually doesn't have an opinion so traveling with him isn't some horrible struggle, but it's different when I get to just chill and do whatever I want.
3. I get some down time. I have a book on my kindle I have been reading for a LONG time. I am pretty sure BJ has read three books to my one. To put it in perspective, my book is a lot longer than his, but still. I'd like to get it done and move on to something else. Sometimes it is just good to be stuck in an airport or airplane with nothing else to do but relax and catch up on some reading. Not that I want to be stuck there for days, but a couple of hours will be nice.
2. Jill - My one and only sister. We are pretty close and I am excited to hear what she is up to and just hang out for a few days.
1. ERIN! I get to meet my sweet niece and I am excited! She is almost 5 weeks old and I haven't gotten to meet her. Jill told me Erin said she was looking forward to seeing me. She did, I promise. I have never been an aunt before and my cousin Martha says it is the best, so I'm looking forward to it. And there won't be a ton of people fighting over holding the baby and I'm sure Jill will be happy to give her up and get a break. Being a new mommy is hard work, right Jill?

So, Erin, Jill, and Sam, here I come. See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Me said...

Yes, being an aunt is the best!!!
And I completely agree about being "stuck" somewhere with my book :)