Friday, February 3, 2012

For He who promised is Faithful.

Last night as I was about to go to bed this verse came to my head. Not the whole thing just this little part, resonating again and again in my soul. As is usual with me, when I feel God is speaking, I ask why.  Not because I necessarily need him to tell me why, but I know that God doesn't speak without a reason.  Sometimes its for me, sometimes its for others, but God always has a plan.

I know that I have talked about God being faithful again and again, and you may be getting tired of hearing it, but He isn't tired of reminding me. Because he is faithful.  But this time the part I can't let go of is the beginning of this portion of Hebrews 10:23.  

"For he who promised..."

Ever made a promise and not kept it?  Ever been made a promise only to see it broken?  See, God makes us promises all the time.  In his word. Through others. And we try to understand what he is saying. Try to shed some light on the promise in an attempt to know what we are to be looking forward to.

There are many verses God uses to speak to me and somehow, someway, I throw my opinion of what he is saying right on top of his words and I feel like I know what he is planning for me.  But I don't.  Because His ways are higher than mine. And if God wanted me to know all the details of his promises for me, he'd tell me.  He's God.  He could do that if he wanted to.  But he chooses not to so I know he's the one in charge and I am not.

For he who promised is Faithful. He will do what he said, when he said, and he is always on time.

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