Saturday, August 2, 2014

Are they all yours?

Today was the first time I can remember being asked if all 4 of my children were mine. Is having 4 kids really that unusual?  Do 4 kids make for a big family?

I guess I don't see myself as having a big family or a lot of kids. My perspective is a little different than most, I'd guess, since I actually only had kids twice. I physically gave birth once and adopted once (even though we gained three kids), but it just doesn't feel like we have a big family.  It just feels like normal life to me. It is nothing like my life pre-kids, but it is the life God has chosen for me and it is good.

This whole discussion reminds me of something a former co- worker said to me. She was around me during the time we were adopting and was very encouraging to me. I had some doubts about becoming an instant mother to three kids (as any one would) and she said kids were just my ministry and my gifting from God and I could handle it. Even when I was unsure, she was confident. And I've learned she was right. God was right.

Yes these kids are all mine, all 4 of them and I wouldn't change it for a second. None of them were a mistake or a coincidence, but they were each planned by God for us. I am living the life God has for me.

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