Saturday, January 3, 2015

Super Mom!

As a mom, I have come to realize there are a lot of things I fail at. And honestly, I'm okay with that. For Seth there are two things I just can't make happen: eating at the table with the family and napping. I suppose this is my own fault because I have given in too many times on both of these issues.

In my defense, Seth does eat decently on his terms. He'll eat good food but would much rather eat it on the couch or walk around between bites. And I have chosen to not fight that battle right now as long as we are at home. I have let him stand in my lap while I eat which means he'll occasionally eat his food at the dinner time. Just not sitting in his chair like I'd like him to.

Haley just has the magic touch. She can get him to play games with his food and the end result is eating in his high chair at the table. I guess I am not ambitious enough to make that happen right now. So I let her be in charge. It is something about me. He will be doing fine eating for whomever and as soon as I enter he has to be held and refuses to sit like a big boy. Strong willed child. Just like his momma.

And then there's napping. The grandmas can get him to nap. Bj can get him to nap. Not me. He fights and screams and I always give up. In my defense, I am usually in a house full of children trying to get him to nap and the grandmas usually have him alone.

But today I took him to my room, read him some books while he laid on my bed, gave him a bottle, and then his pacifier and he is now napping. It only took 45 minutes or so.

Some days its the little things that make you feel like supermom.

And I threatened the big kids with grounding if they wake him up. Sometimes those kids have no sense, being all loud right next to the room he is sleeping in. Goodness!!

Loving the life of a mom of 4. Never a dull moment.

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