Friday, August 25, 2017

It is Well

Tonight I have the song It is Well by Bethel going over and over in my head.  Love the song. Apart from the rhythm of the verse being complex (which I love but would make it difficult to teach to someone who doesn't understand written music) the lyrics just stick with you. Repeating in your soul (or at least mine) until you are convinced that it is well.

And I am reminded, that contrary to popular opinion and I suppose what unbelievers would think, being well has nothing to do with your circumstances being worked out and everything going the way you'd expect it. Nope.

Being well is a state of total dependence on the one who has the whole world in his hands and has orchestrated every aspect of your life. Its a vision shift from yourself to your provider and Father. From worrying about the what ifs to being okay not knowing the future because you trust the one who does know the end from the beginning.

It's a declaration of faith that even when you don't feel well, when it doesn't look well, you are well because He is your portion. And nothing is impossible for him.

Getting to the place of being well is a two stepper....let go and trust Him.

Letting go is so much easier said than done. It's admitting your efforts are faulty because you are faulty. It's giving up that control and laying it all on the altar. It's not picking up those burdens again. And trusting, fully trusting in the one who has power to calm the wind and waves. Who can make something from nothing and yet holds your heart, your dreams in his hands. The one who will watch over his promises until they are fulfilled in your life. Whose ways are higher and greater than yours.

So tonight I choose to let go and trust God. It is well with my soul.

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