Thursday, September 10, 2009

Yesterday=Bad Morning, Today=Better

So yesterday I got to work in a good mood and got an e-mail from someone asking me about something else they thought we should start doing in the sound booth at church on Sundays. Normally, this would not be a big deal really. Yesterday, it brought me to tears. Apparently I was much more stressed about everything going on in my life than I realized. I guess the main thing that got me was that someone else decided I should add something new to what I already do on Sundays. Before Jill left, I was getting to the place that I could actually worship while playing the piano on Sundays. It used to be very hard for me to play the piano, and sing and actually worship. You know there is definitely a difference between singing and worshiping. It's a heart thing and I could write an entire post on it. Someday, maybe I will. Anyway, when I am able to worship at church on Sundays, it helps me de-stress and actually get refreshed The day just goes smoother and I have less chance of getting overwhelmed. Since Jill has left, I haven't gotten any of that. Now, I am trying to fill Jill's role in addition to my normal Sunday madness. (By the way Jill, I am not very good at doing your job so can you come back soon please!) I now have a microphone every service and am supposed to help Dad start songs when he is having trouble. I also am trying to help Alissa get started on the drums for each song and pay attention to her enough to help her be steady and not speed up or slow down. And I am still playing the piano. And I am teaching Sunday School. And I am switching to play drums during Bro. Buddy's Hymn book songs. And I teach children's church once a month (Praise God we didn't decide to do more often then that!) And that is just when BJ is there to do his job. When he is not there, I have to put together the power point, turn the sound system on, and make sure Aaron and TJ know the order of service and what is going on. Thank God that I don't have to do BJ's job often since he is usually off of work on Sundays. The point is, adding one more thing to my Sundays does not sit well with me right now. But lets not dwell on what stressed me out yesterday. Today is a new day, full of God's grace and mercy which is new every morning and never runs out. God will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear, so I just keep trusting him to be my peace and give me strength one day, one moment, one second at a time. He knows all I need and is able and willing to provide for me. God, thank you for a new day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration Sandra!!! Your words spoke to me tonite.