Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No Means No!!

Honestly, I was going to blog about this yesterday and increase my August blog count, but I fell asleep on the couch at 8:30, woke up at 9 and went to sleep for the night. This whole getting up early and working 10 hour days is wearing me out. So this post almost counts as an August post. Don't you think? Why can people not understand what the word no means? Specifically, I am referring to church people asking others to help with events and other things. I attend a small church (about 100 people) and most of the Sunday School or Wednesday night teachers teach 2 different classes and help with something else. That's all fine and good and most of them are more than willing to teach their classes and help with things. The problem comes when those people get asked to do something else and they dare to say no. People just keep pushing and pushing, waiting for them to cave in and act almost offended when people will not agree to stretch themselves into one more thing. Then, the person who says no feels like they have to defend themselves and prove that they really don't have time to take on another thing. I wonder if they ever thought that God has told us to stop stretching ourselves so thin or that we are causing ourselves physical problems by being sooooo busy. Of course they didn't think of that, because the only thing they are thinking of is themselves and their program or event. I'm not saying that the current program or event has anything wrong with it, just people should learn that no means no. There are reasons we say no sometimes and quite honestly, we don't have to defend our use of time to anyone but God. So there's my two cents. I feel much better now. On a separate note, I ran the block around the school tonight and I'm proud of myself. I haven't run in a long time and I didn't think I could do it. I have never been a big fan of running, but I wanted to give it a shot. With God's help I did it and hope to increase how much I run over the next few months. I'm not shooting for a marathon, but just a little more exercise during the challenge. I think I'll run 2-3 times a week in addition to the walking in the morning with Kim. I have also started doing a little bit of work on the Wii Fit on my arms in an effort to get more of an overall workout/exercise routine.

1 comment:

Me said...

This is so very true! Hubby & I have talked at length about the church being so used to guilting people into doing things that no one thinks anything about it. It is very sad, we are very much ignoring God's command to rest & by some even being looked down upon for obeying that command!