Thursday, July 12, 2012

I'm a Survivor!

That's right, I have made it through the craziest week in my life and I survived. (You all know as soon as I label a week the whatever-est you know another one's coming.)  This morning as we were going through our new morning routine with the kids I took a second and a deep breath and realized, we made it.  Life is good and God is greater! 

If you know me, you know my hobby is to stress.  I don't like the person I am when I am stressed and yet it has become such a part of who I am I almost don't know what to do with myself if I am not planning/doing/being busy about something.

Goodness, I need a new hobby.

So I do believe a change of perspective is in order.

Because I am no fun to be around lately.  I gripe and I complain, especially if you happen to be one of the people I am closest to.  I'm sure you've heard it all.  I try to be gracious or just say nothing most of the time, but at home, it just all comes out.  So I'm sure BJ and the kids have received most of the effects of all my stress. 

You may not see that side of me, but believe me it is there.  Because that's where I'm weakest and that's where the devil knows to attack me the hardest and that's where I fail.

But by the grace of God, today is a new day and I don't have to be who I once was.

There is a passage of scripture I love that always reminds me that I don't have to be like I was yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago.  I can choose to let God change me and be who he wants and not who my sinful nature turns me into.
I Corinthians 6:9-11
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the selfish, rude, ones who tear others down, who can't be quiet when they should, who complain and gripe and live angry, who judge and criticize instead of support and uplife  will inherit the kingdom of God.

And that is what some of you WERE. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

I like to substitute the areas in italics for the way I behave and the things I've done and am not proud of.  It is scriptural that God desires more for me and living like this is not God's way, it just isn't in this passage.  

Because I can choose to be those things or trust God's word that he can give me a new start and that I can be different, because he has washed me and he forgives me, and I don't have to be that person any more.

On to better days in His strength. Because I've proven time and again I can't do it by myself.

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