Sunday, July 22, 2012


So let's face it. As much as we wish we didn't compare ourselves to others or have those "why not me, God?" moments, we do. Or at least I do.  God has recently started me on a study of Psalms in my devotion time each day.

Psalm 1:3 "That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."

When you honor God and choose to live for him (moving past the way of sinners and onto what God wants as described in verses 1-2) God makes you be established and planted by the place of spiritual nourishment and it produces fruit in you.  And in season, God's season, not yours, you will see fruit produced in your life.  I think where I get tripped up is I expect to see fruit or results of my labors now and not later.  And I expect the results of my faithfulness to look the same as how God is blessing and using others.  So even if there is fruit, I don't necessarily see it because I am looking in the wrong places. When will I ever learn that God isn't overlooking me, but waiting for my season. Or maybe God's ways aren't mine and the fruit is unrecognizable to me.

God, help me to see what you are doing.  You know I need some proof that I'm pleasing you and that I'm making the right choices.  And it's hard to keep walking, keep doing, without seeing but a glimpse of what you see in me and what you have for me. I'm waiting for my season.

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