Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fading Away

I truly believe that in my life time I will see the return of Christ for his church, a bride without spot or wrinkle. There are things happening now in the world that point to these being the last days. And although I don't tend to spend much time trying to figure out end time prophesy, I do know two general things that will happen. There will be a great falling away of the church and a great revival. Although these things seems contradictory, I do believe they are essentially a separating of the Christians in name only and those who are committed to die for Jesus if necessary.

I know that God is the ultimate judge, but I also know that the Bible says you can recognize a Christian by its fruit. So I see many Christians finding less time to be at the house of God and more time for everything else. I see the hunger dwindling away, but I also see new families coming into the kingdom with a new fervor to serve God and proclaim his name.

The former hurts me. I just wanna yell God is coming, don't give up now, we are almost there! I want to beg and plead with them. How sad to turn away from God at the 11th hour! At yet, I know that any decision made because someone has convinced you or guilted you into it is not strong enough for you to stand. So I pray for those instead, knowing that God can draw them back, God can reconcile them and will continue calling them back, forgiving, loving, because God cannot deny his compassionate heart. Even when we walk away from him.

And the falling away doesn't happen in a day. Its one decision at a time. To choose to take a break from it all and just be absent instead of faithful. To ignore the voice of God instead of obey. To allow ourselves to stop fighting the fight of faith and to just give in because it is easier. Because we are tired.

Our example of strength in the face of trials is Jesus, who chose to die on the cross, when he didn't have to, didn't want to. Just as he endured, we too should endure and keep pushing on and not give up. Because God is able to make us stand.

We do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. Hebrews 10:39

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