Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Thresholds. Passage Ways. Entrances. Opportunities. As Christians, we ask God to lead us in His perfect plan, to show us where to go and what to do and we wait for Him to open up the opportunities so we can walk through them. By faith. God has been preparing me for something new. I don't know what it is exactly, but I do know the desires He has placed in my heart. Things the shy, scared, intimidated Sandra would never wish for. And yet I do. Because I know it is where God is leading me and will use me. Short Rabbit Trail: For so many years I was so bound by fear. Fear of failing, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown. On the outside, people saw confidence (sometimes to the extent of being labeled as arrogant), but I felt inadequate and not good enough. And I hid it very well. I suppose my mom and a few close friends knew that behind the facade I was beating myself up for every shortcoming and failure. But I'm not that person any more. Yes, we all struggle and at times I feel overwhelmed and scared of all the new things coming in my life. But mostly I've learned I can't do it all and that is okay. God has been waiting for me to lean on him fully all these years. And I am getting there, by His grace. Ok, back to doors. There are things I've felt led to do regarding ministry that I haven't told anyone about (except BJ) I wanted it to be all God and not my doing, so I've been waiting for the opportunity to arise. On Sunday, one of the doors I'd been praying for flew wide open. Only God could have done that. Only God. And it just makes me smile at His goodness. Because what God has opened no man can close and what God has closed no man can open. (Revelation 3:7) Adoption Update: Still waiting on the kids files. It's been 4 weeks and we were told that for some cases it is taking as long as 2 months. So I choose to be patient. Patience is defined as having peace while you wait. And I have God's peace which goes beyond what I can understand, so being patient is easy (with God's help.) We are trusting for God's perfect timing in all of this and we expect God to move according to His will for us and the kids.

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