Sunday, June 30, 2013


There are two women in my church family that I feel very close to spiritually.  It isn't because we are best friends or that I know all about their circumstances and have grown a relationship that would warrant closeness or compassion, because we haven't and I don't. 

It is these two people that I find myself burdened to pray for more than others. That God speaks to me about and gives me direction for prayer and encouragement. I am more sensitive to see or feel what they are going though and to pray for them. 

One of them God told me a while back that I would be her prayer support. And I have been quietly praying for her on a daily basis. I haven't told anyone, including her. Because when God does something or speaks to you, you don't need a big parade and fanfare to announce it. God will reveal when he chooses, if he chooses.

That's what the body of Christ is about. Loving each other. Supporting each other. Being connected to each other in a way that is more than physical. Without the labels or public recognition and just because God says so. I tend to think that God has laid me on someones heart and it all works full circle. Like a family should.

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