Saturday, July 6, 2013


We live in world where comfort is at a premium. If something makes us uncomfortable, we avoid it. It a situation is awkward, we walk away. If we are hungry, we drive through to get a snack. If food is cold, we throw it in the microwave. Whatever we can do to meet our needs as quickly as possible to avoid discomfort at all cost.

And so it is no surprise that when God makes us uncomfortable we shy away from him. Or church. Or anything that may make us uncomfortable in our spirit man again. 

But what if that uneasiness was really a blessing? A way for God to get us out of our normal and closer to himself instead of running us away?

I am pretty sure that it is.

In a world where we live by our feelings, when God starts to do something that we aren't used to, instead of assuming it's God, we assume its the devil. Because its different. Because it makes us feel different. 

I am not discrediting the spiritual discernment that God gives us to warn us when things aren't right, but in order for us to be able to chalk up our uncomfortable feelings to discernment, we have to check our "discernment" with God's word.  For most of us, there are things that God did in the Bible times, that we haven't seen in our days. That doesn't mean God isn't moving that way anymore, but just that we haven't seen it. So when God starts showing himself in ways like he did in the Bible, we shouldn't be surprised and call it the devil's works.

When we feel uncomfortable in God's presence or when God shows himself in unusual ways (based on our understanding of Him) he is calling us to action. Maybe he's trying to deal with the sin we'd rather not admit is there. Dealing with our stuff is not fun. I'm sure we all have things we'd rather not deal with, even though we know that in order to be closer to God we have to take out the garbage. 

Or maybe he's trying to teach us that He is God and we don't and won't ever fully understand him or be able to put him in our nice little box. Faith is spelt R I S K. If we could understand him all the time, it wouldn't be faith and there would really be no point in serving him. I don't know about you, but I don't want to serve a God I can fully understand. If I can understand him completely, he isn't big enough to take care of my needs or have plans for me that are beyond my wildest dreams. Faith is a risk worth taking.

So don't run away when things get uncomfortable, but run to God instead and dare him to show himself to you and I promise he will show himself to be God in your life and you won't regret it.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Just read this and it totally spoke to, thank you!